Acting President Policy

Applies To:

Month/Year Posted: 
February, 2017
Policy Number: 

Definition Acting President Policy

Rationale for Changes
To respond to recommendations in Preliminary Draft Audit Report – Emergency Management (16-46), dated January 13, 2017, to align the succession with the Emergency Operations Plan and to revise terminology to reflect current organizational structure

Approved by the President of Humboldt State University on this date: February 27, 2017

Supersedes P 98-01, P 95-02, P 87-05, P 84-01, P 82-04, P 75-20, P05-01

The following understandings shall guide the conduct of the administration of the University during the absence of the President or President's designee(s) from the campus whenever presidential decisions or actions are urgently or specifically needed for the good order of the University. Efforts should be made by the Acting President to contact the President by whatever means are available and seek her/his advice concerning issues facing the University. In the absence of the President, the following individuals in the order listed will assume the responsibilities of the President as the Acting President.

1. Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs
2. Vice President for Administrative Affairs
3. Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs
4. Vice President for University Advancement
5. In the event that a Vice President is serving in an interim capacity, s/he shall be last in the "acting" rotation.
6. In the unlikely emergency circumstance whereby the President and the Vice Presidents should all be unable or unavailable to discharge the abovementioned necessary responsibilities and the President cannot be reached within a reasonable period of time to name the Acting President, the University Senate Executive Committee and the Academic Deans shall convene to elect a person for temporary service to discharge the necessary duties of the President in the interim period prior to either the return of the President or the above mentioned designees, or any necessary appointment of an "Acting President" by the Chancellor, upon Trustee authority.

Distribution: Vice Presidents
Members, President's Cabinet
Member, University Senate Executive Committee