Access Policy for Non-Affiliated Borrowers of the Cal Poly Humboldt Library

Month/Year Posted: 
January, 2012
Policy Number: 

Non-affiliated borrowers are defined as anyone not currently employed by, or attending, Cal Poly Humboldt. Retired staff and emeritus faculty are still considered affiliated. There is a separate policy for alumni borrowing.


The Library exists primarily to support the University's teaching and research functions. In addition, the Library serves the citizens of the area, consistent with its primary function and within prescribed resource limitations.

  1. Anyone may look at, read, consult, and copy (within legal restrictions, Library policies, and constraints of physical condition) material available while in the Library, including all government documents.
  2. Anyone may use Library resources and services, such as reference service and publicly accessible computers, but if Cal Poly Humboldt students need these resources, students have priority.

Definition of Community

Humboldt, Del Norte, western Trinity, and northern Mendocino counties (areas within three hours driving time of the campus) constitute the "over the counter" service area.

Categories of Borrowers

  1. Adult - Persons not affiliated with Cal Poly Humboldt who live within the geographical area served by the Library may apply for a borrower's card, provided:
    • The applicant is 18 years of age or older.
    • The applicant possesses a valid California Driver License or Department of Motor Vehicle Identification Card to present as identification.
    • The applicant pays the fee at the Student and Business Services Building.
    • A check of Library records reveals the applicant has a satisfactory borrowing history and no outstanding debts due.
  1. High School - A special one-month borrower’s card is available to high school students provided:
    • The student brings a letter from one of the high school librarians in the area defined in section 2 stating that the material needed by the student is not available in the high school library or a branch of the County Library.
    • The parent accompanies the student and fills out an application form accepting responsibility for books borrowed by the student (the parent or guardian must meet the same requirements as those set for adult community borrowers).
  1. Children - Children under the age of 18 are not granted borrower status, unless they are enrolled in a class at Cal Poly Humboldt, except as noted above.
  2. Mutual Use Borrowers - In accordance with the CSU Systemwide Agreement on Borrowing, any CSU Faculty (including emeritus), staff (including retired) and current students may borrow from any other CSU Library. Additionally, CSU Faculty may borrow from UC Libraries, and vice versa.
    • A current CSU or UC (faculty only) card is required for mutual use checkout.
    • CSU student library privileges are valid for the semester indicated only.
    • CSU faculty and staff library privileges are valid for the academic year in which they are requested.

Fees and Service Restrictions

  1. Fees for borrowing privileges are charged in the following amounts (borrowers in high school status excepted): $14.00 for 4 months of borrowing privileges and $35.00 for 1 year of borrowing privileges.
  2. An additional fee of $5.00 will be charged to cover the cost of ID card production each time a card is produced.
  3. Search/hold services, interlibrary loan, and remote access to restricted databases are not available to community users.

Internet Access

  1. Access to Library sponsored resources, such as the Cal Poly Humboldt Library Catalog and other Library databases, is available to non-affiliated users at many Library computers, with the exception of those which are reserved for Cal Poly Humboldt students, faculty and staff. The "public" logon at computers allows access to all educational and government sites (domains edu and gov, respectively), but blocks access to commercial internet servers not explicitly linked from the Library’s web pages.
  2. Registered alumni and Community Borrowers may receive a user ID and password that allows unrestricted internet access at selected computers in the Library. This logon allows internet access for a maximum length of two hours per day. A user ID and password may be requested from the Library’s Circulation Unit. Logons remain in effect while the user's borrowing privileges are valid.
  3. Other non-affiliated users who are not registered alumni or Community Borrowers may register as a Community Internet User (CIU) . This logon allows internet access for a maximum length of one hour, per day at selected computers in the Library. The requirements and procedures for registering as a CIU are detailed in the “Application for CIU Logon” form which is available at the Library's Circulation Desk. A CIU logon will remain active for up to one week, expiring each Monday morning.

Periodic Review

Community use of Library resources is reviewed periodically in relation to its impact on University related services. Changes may be made which may affect:

  1. Fees charged to provide services.
  2. Access to certain Library services.
  3. The loan period and renewal terms granted to community borrowers.
  4. The availability of user IDs and passwords for internet logon.

Approved by All Library Council 1-10-12