Student Fee Advisory Committee

Month/Year Posted: 
October, 2001
Policy Number: 

Supersedes P 00-8, 97-2, 96-7

On August 23, 1996 the Chancellor issued Executive Order 661 entitled "Fees, Rates and Charges." The Executive Order delegated authority to presidents to establish and adjust campus mandatory, user and penalty fees, and allowed abolition of the existing campus Instructionally Related Activities committees and the fee-recommending responsibilities of campus Student Health Advisory committees. In April 2000, Executive Order 661 was superseded by Executive Order 740, "The California State University Student Fee Policy."
The Student Fee Advisory Committee is an administrative committee of the university with responsibility to advise the President regarding the establishment and adjustment of all student fees in accordance with the provisions of the Chancellor's Executive Order 740. This Executive Memorandum transfers the fee-setting responsibilities of the Instructionally Related Activities Committee and the Student Health Advisory Committee to the Student Fee Advisory Committee.
  1. Functions of the Committee
    1. Consult with the Instructionally Related Activities Committee before recommending any adjustment to the Instructionally Related Activities fee.
    2. Consult with the Student Health Advisory Committee before recommending any adjustment to the Student Health fee.
    3. Periodically review all student fees and consider possible consolidation of fees.
    4. Advise the President regarding the establishment of any new student fees and the adjustment of existing fees.
      1. Before recommending the establishment of any new student fee or the adjustment or consolidation of an existing student fee, the committee shall:
        1. review a statement of revenues and expenditures including a minimum of one year of actual costs and two years of projected revenue and expenditures for the fee revenue activity under consideration.
        2. consult with appropriate campus constituencies.
          1. Executive Order 740 presumes that a student referendum will be conducted before adjusting or establishing campus fees that must be paid to apply to, enroll in, or attend the University. A referendum may be waived if the President determines that other methods of consultation are more appropriate and meaningful or if approval for the fee adjustment pre-dated Executive Order 661. However, a referendum is required before increasing the Associated Students fee.
          2. Referenda may be conducted by the Associated Students or by the University.
            • The Student Fee Advisory Committee shall prepare voter information to be included in a voter pamphlet.
            • Copies of the voter pamphlet and ballot information regarding the dates, times and polling locations shall be available to students, and published in the Lumberjack newspaper at least thirty days prior to the referendum.
            • Costs beyond those normally incurred by the Associated Students for conducting the election or for publishing the voter pamphlet will be paid by the University.
            • Voter information may be included in the pamphlet prepared by the Associated Students for its elections.
          3. Following appropriate consultation the committee shall make recommendations to the President regarding the consolidation, adjustment, or establishment of student fees.
        3. If a fee is charged to both students and non-students, the committee shall recommend on the student fee. Any new non-student fee or adjustment to a non-student fee shall be recommended to the President by the appropriate Vice President.
      2. Review and make recommendations to the President on requests for reimbursement for locally published course materials as specified in the Policy Regarding Royalties, Revenues or Other Income from Sale of Course Materials, (Executive Memorandum #P00-7).
  2. Membership
    1. Voting Members
      1. The President of the Associated Students (or designee)
      2. Three students appointed by the Associated Students serving staggered two-year terms
      3. The Director of Fiscal Affairs
      4. An administrator appointed by the President
      5. One faculty member serving a two-year term, appointed by the Academic Senate
    2. Chair - The chair of the committee will be a student appointed by the President yearly from the membership of the committee.
    3. Ex Officio, non-voting -- General Manager of Associated Students
  3. Meetings
    The committee will meet as needed.
  4. Reports
    The committee will make recommendations as needed to the President.
Department Chairs
Associated Students President