Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity in Recruitment and Appointment Policy

Applies To:

Month/Year Posted: 
June, 2000
Policy Number: 
updated 12-2013

In order to comply with federal and state laws and regulations, the following policies and procedures, as well as the University Affirmative Action Plan, explain University policy concerning affirmative action and equal opportunity recruitment and appointment for employment, and they are incorporated by reference as part of this Executive Memorandum The Humboldt State University Affirmative Action Plan is updated yearly and is available in the University Library; Office of the Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs; and Academic Personnel Services and Human Resources (APSHR). Questions regarding the Affirmative Action Plan, the following policy statement and the implementation of this policy may be directed to APSHR.

Policy on the Utilization of Affirmative Action Guidelines for Recruitment and Appointment
It is the policy of Humboldt State University to utilize the Staff Administrative Recruitment Policies and Procedures for the recruitment of its full and part-time staff. The recruitment of all coaching positions, whether full or part-time, shall utilize the procedures for full-time faculty. The utilization of these procedures is not required for the appointment of graduate students in teaching associate/graduate assistant categories or for student employees.
This policy is intended to implement Humboldt State University’s policy on nondiscrimination and affirmative action, which states that in no aspect of its programs or personnel actions shall there be any discrimination against persons because of race, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, pregnancy, age, disability or covered veteran status.
Additionally, it is the policy of Humboldt State University to foster employment opportunities for persons who have been historically underrepresented.
Questions regarding the implementation of these policies and procedures may be directed to Academic Personnel Services and Human Resources at 826-3626.