Applies To:

Month/Year Posted: 
April, 1999
Policy Number: 
VPAA 97-08

The policy on the assignment of faculty and library office space was recommended by Academic Senate on November 8, 1988, and accepted by the P & VPAA (Wartell) on

April 10, 1989. Guidelines for the allocation of office space are based on the following criteria in numerical order:
1.       full-time instructional and library faculty, including those on leave or sabbatical unless absent from campus:
a: tenured
b: probationary
c: temporary
2.       FERP instructional and library faculty while actively teaching, and part-time instructional and library faculty with an allocation proportional to their teaching load;
3.       adjunct instructional and library faculty who are actively teaching;
4.       emeritus instructional and library faculty not actively teaching.
College deans would be accountable for the equitable distribution of office space, with the Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs being ultimately responsible. 
Recommended by Academic Senate, November 8, 1988

Accepted by P&VPAA (Wartell) April 10, 1989