Consistent with the provisions set forth in Section 15.29 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), and the overall mission of Humboldt State University, the purpose of the HSU Policy on Periodic Evaluation of Tenured Faculty Unit Employees ("post-tenure review") is to provide a mechanism to evaluate tenured faculty on their academic performance, and to make any adjustments (if necessary) based on the evaluation in order to continue the longstanding HSU tradition of excellence in teaching, service and scholarship. All provisions of the HSU Policy on Periodic Evaluation of Tenured Faculty Unit Employees are intended to be consistent with the agreement between the Board of Trustees and the CFA. The entire text of the relevant sections of the CBA follows:
Periodic Evaluation of Tenured Faculty Unit Employees
Month/Year Posted:
January, 2005
Policy Number:
VPAA 04-02
Periodic Evaluation of Tenured Faculty Unit Employees
15.29 For the purpose of maintaining and improving a tenured faculty unit employee’s effectiveness, tenured faculty unit employees shall be subject to periodic performance evaluations at intervals of no greater than five (5) years. Such periodic evaluations shall be conducted by a peer review committee of the department or equivalent unit, and the appropriate administrator. For those with teaching responsibilities, consideration shall include student evaluations of teaching performance.*
15.30 A tenured faculty unit employee shall be provided a copy of the peer committee report of his/her periodic evaluation. The peer review committee chair and the appropriate administrator shall meet with the tenured faculty unit employee to discuss his/her strengths and weaknesses along with suggestions, if any, for his/her improvement.
15.31 A copy of the peer committee’s and the appropriate administrator’s summary reports shall be placed in the tenured faculty unit employee’s Personnel Action File.
*University policy requires that a minimum of two (2) classes of student evaluations per academic year be included as evaluation materials in the review process.
Periodic Evaluation Procedures
(1) All tenured faculty unit employees shall undergo a periodic evaluation at least every five (5) years.
(2) Evaluation shall be conducted by a Peer Review Committee in each department or equivalent unit, consisting of at least three (3) tenured full-time faculty members and may consist of the initiating unit’s personnel committee or a special committee elected for that purpose. When a member of the committee is being evaluated, this member shall not serve on the committee during the evaluation period. The committee shall elect its own chair.
(3) The year before the periodic evaluation is to be conducted, all eligible tenured faculty unit employees shall receive notification from their dean of the upcoming review. Each year the HSU Policy on Periodic Evaluation of Tenured Faculty Unit Employees shall be distributed to each tenured faculty unit employee due for review, and to those conducting the evaluation.
(4) The Peer Review Committee shall gather the following evaluative materials as required and/or when considered appropriate or relevant:
(4.1) A list of accomplishments, provided by the tenured faculty unit employee, since his/her last evaluation, or a current curriculum vitae, demonstrating achievements relevant to the criteria for retention, tenure, and promotion given in the Faculty Handbook, Appendix J, Sections VIII and IX, and/or in the Library Manual, Appendix A, Specific Performance Criteria for Evaluating Librarians;
(4.2) Anonymous written evaluations and comments by students from at least two courses per academic year that are representative of teaching faculty’s instructional responsibilities;
(4.3) Any written student comments identified by name regarding professional performance of the tenured faculty unit employee;
(4.4) Any written comments from faculty and staff who may wish to comment on the performance of the tenured faculty unit employee;
(4.5) Other written submissions as appropriate for evaluating the teaching, scholarship, and/or service of the tenured faculty unit employee.
(5) The Peer Review Committee shall, at the completion of the periodic evaluation process, prepare a written statement of the Committee’s findings along with a written rationale that specifies the basis on which the statement was made.
(6) The faculty member shall be provided with a copy of the Peer Review Committee’s report of his/her evaluation. The faculty member must be provided with a copy of the review report at each level of evaluation at least five (5) days prior to the material being placed in the Personnel Action File (15.29, 15.20, 11.4). At all levels of review, before recommendations are forwarded to the subsequent review level, the faculty member may submit a rebuttal statement or response in writing and/or request a meeting to discuss the report within seven (7) days following receipt of the report (15.5).
(7) The chair of the Peer Review Committee shall meet with the faculty member to discuss the evaluation.
(8) The faculty member shall read and sign the periodic evaluation report indicating that he/she has seen and understood its contents.
(9) The Peer Review Committee’s report shall be forwarded to the appropriate administrator. The appropriate administrator (dean or her/his designee) shall meet with the faculty member to discuss the review and consider future goals of the faculty member that may be considered at the subsequent review. The appropriate administrator shall write a letter reflecting upon the meeting between the faculty and the appropriate administrator, the Peer Review Committee’s report, the periodic evaluation file and the Personnel Action File if appropriate.
(10) A copy of the Peer Review Committee’s report, and the appropriate administrator’s letter, shall be placed in the faculty member’s Personnel Action File.
Recommended by the Academic Senate April 30, 2002
Approved by President Richmond October 31, 2002
Approved by General Faculty vote March 27, 2003