Data Management Policy
Humboldt State University is committed to making decisions based on data. The quality of those decisions is directly linked to the consistency, integrity, and completeness of the data stored in HSU’s enterprise systems. A solid governance foundation paves the way for users to trust and value institutional data and to leverage the data to its potential. Access to campus systems for the purpose of maintaining records within those systems or reporting the data within those systems should be granted to employees with a legitimate business need.
Fundraising Policy
Space Management Policy
Effective Date: 11/13/15
The physical facilities of Humboldt State University are resources that must be managed, maintained, and controlled in a manner that contributes most toward fulfilling the University's mission. Space is assigned on the basis of programmatic need and academic priorities, and may be reassigned if those needs or priorities change.
Letter HSU Policy on Content of Syllabi (VPAA 07-02 superseded by P18-01)
The Academic Senate and the President recently approved a new “HSU Policy on Content of Syllabi” (VPAA 07-02 ), which replaces the existing campus policy in the HSU Faculty Handbook and is attached for your reference. In addition to addressing the content to be included in each course syllabus, the policy also encourages all faculty members to post syllabi online in a format that is accessible to individuals with disabilities.
Co-listing of Graduate and Undergraduate Courses Policy
Humboldt State University allows individual degree programs to offer upper-division (300 or 400-level) undergraduate majors courses (no upper division general education courses) with graduate (500- or 600-level) courses having similar course content in a co-listing arrangement with a single instructor and a common meeting schedule. Co-listing (also known as co-convening or dual-listing) of courses allows for more interaction between undergraduate and graduate students and expands the opportunities for undergraduate students to be exposed to instruction at a more challenging level.
Self-Support Program Faculty Buy-out Rate
In order to provide a consistent and transparent practice in College of Extended Education & Global Engagement (CEEGE), all self-support academic programs tenure track/tenure faculty buy-out (vacant) rate will be set at the Lecture B step1 per WTU. CEEGE will transfer the fund to appropriate Deans’ office.
Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity in Recruitment and Appointment Policy
Moving and Relocation Policy - Guidelines on Implementing CSU Moving and Relocation Policy
Guidelines on Implementing CSU Moving and Relocation Policy
Responsible Office:
Human Resources-Academic Personnel Services
Applies to:
New hires or employees required to change their place of residence due to the acceptance of a position with Humboldt State University.
Communication and Solicitation Guidelines - HSU Alumni & Friends
The Office of Development and Alumni Relations facilitates greater communication and engagement with alumni and friends of the University (donors, civic leaders, higher education leaders, parents, etc.). We aim to improve the effectiveness of HSU’s communications with alumni and others, enhance alumni engagement with the entire HSU community, bolster the reputation of the university, and increase philanthropic activity.