
Minimum Passing Grade Requirement for Graduate Degrees Policy

The minimum passing grade requirement for courses used to satisfy the requirements of a Master’s Degree at HSU will be a B-. Current students may elect to complete their program with the minimum grade requirements as stated in the HSU Catalog published the year that they were admitted. Where there are conflicts in the catalogs through 2010/2011, with two or more different standards, a student will be required to meet the standard set by the program. A higher grade standard than the campus minimum (B-) may be specified by a graduate degree program.

Establishing Program Currency Requirements Policy

Academic programs are allowed to establish currency requirements for their major’s courses limiting the number of years that a course can be counted towards the degree. In accordance with Title 5, all courses taken within seven academic years of the date of graduation will be considered current for purposes of the major. Programs may identify specific courses that will not be considered current if they were completed more than seven academic years from the date of graduation.

Boat Safety Committee


Humboldt State University uses small watercraft, both motorized and non-motorized, in support of instruction, recreation and faculty and student scholarship. All boats operated by or on behalf of HSU will be used in a safe manner consistent with their intended use and in compliance with federal, state and local laws.  This policy shall apply to the University and its auxiliaries, and faculty, staff, students and guests engaged in university activities.



Float Plan - Required to contain the following information:

Policy concerning the payments by Extended Education to academic departments which generate concurrent enrollments

Extended Education pays 25% of the gross revenue to academic departments which generate concurrent enrollments. Any future changes to this policy will be reviewed and approved by the Executive Committee of Humboldt State University. A copy of this policy and any changes to it will be kept in the Office of Fiscal Affairs.