Academic Affairs Policies

Establishing Program Currency Requirements Policy

Academic programs are allowed to establish currency requirements for their major’s courses limiting the number of years that a course can be counted towards the degree. In accordance with Title 5, all courses taken within seven academic years of the date of graduation will be considered current for purposes of the major. Programs may identify specific courses that will not be considered current if they were completed more than seven academic years from the date of graduation.

Policy concerning the payments by Extended Education to academic departments which generate concurrent enrollments

Extended Education pays 25% of the gross revenue to academic departments which generate concurrent enrollments. Any future changes to this policy will be reviewed and approved by the Executive Committee of Humboldt State University. A copy of this policy and any changes to it will be kept in the Office of Fiscal Affairs.

Periodic Evaluation of Tenured Faculty Unit Employees

Consistent with the provisions set forth in Section 15.29 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), and the overall mission of Humboldt State University, the purpose of the HSU Policy on Periodic Evaluation of Tenured Faculty Unit Employees ("post-tenure review") is to provide a mechanism to evaluate tenured faculty on their academic performance, and to make any adjustments (if necessary) based on the evaluation in order to continue the longstanding HSU tradition of excellence in teaching, service and scholarship. All provisions of the HSU Policy on Periodic Evaluation of Tenured Facult

Standardized Student Evaluation Questions, effective 2006/07 AY

On April 25, 2006 the Academic Senate passed the Resolution on Developing a Standardized Core Evaluation Form.  This resolution recommended that instructional faculty incorporate twelve core questions into all student evaluation of courses starting in Fall 2006. The President accepted and approved this Academic Senate resolution on May 15, 2006. The complete resolution and the HSU Instructor Evaluation—Core Questions are attached to this Administrative Memorandum, and are also available on-line at


REISSUE: Originally published on October 15, 1984, by Timothy McCaughey, Dean for Academic Planning, as a part of the conversion from the quarter system to the semester system. The section regarding the conversion of course credit units from quarter to semester system has been omitted from this updated document. Additionally the "Class Scheduling Policy" recommended by the Academic Resources Allocation Committee and the Academic Senate and approved by the Provost on April 5, 1995 is attached to this document as an addendum.